Hopin' Mic hosted by Grassroots Comedy DC
A weekly-ish comedy and storytelling showcase for causes in need at Kramers!
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, July 7th 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Thursday, July 14th 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Wednesday, July 20th 7:30pm - 9:30pm
HOT TAKE ALERT: From the recalling of Roe v. Wade, to the ongoing unnecessary deaths by gun violence, to the ever-more irreversible impact of climate change, to multiple wars going on around the world, to the ever-more seemingly real threat of the next U.S. civil war, there's a lot to be anxious about and not enough meds to go around to make it OK!
But there is comedy. Come get your fix of levity through laugher at Grassroots Comedy's brand new HOPIN' MIC comedy and storytelling shows at Kramers! Each night features hilarious comedians, talented storytellers, PLUS a percentage of proceeds go towards organizations that support causes in a time of need!
Comedy! Stories! Levity! Action! It's all happening this July at Kramers. See you there!
"Comedy is acting out optimism."
-Robin Williams