In Conversation with Ron Berube: The Tearing Sound

In this series of stunning poems, Ron Berube explores the macrocosmic and microcosmic with equal parts aplomb, agility, and true heart.
The Tearing Sound is a series of poems on topics ranging from the first meeting of Adam and Eve to the eruption of Vesuvius, having sex in Venice and Charlie Chaplin skipping on the beach, all written with sensitivity to the music of our language, the humor in our behavior, and the pain of our losses, and always with the goal of entertaining as well as edifying the reader.
In this series of stunning, remarkable poems, Ron Berube explores the macrocosmic and microcosmic with equal parts aplomb, agility, and true heart. From navigating ideas of deep time and space, to the observation of some of life’s simplest pleasures, the critical eye and mastery of verse ushers Berube into the canon of modern poetics.
Ron Berube is a Charlottesville-based poet who was born in Maine and raised on military bases, but attended Gonzaga High School, in the days when he used to cheer for the Senators, the Bullets and the Redskins, delivered The Evening Star on his paper route, and couldn't imagine living this long.