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Kramers Book Club Picks - July

May the only justice your face be poetic.” —Rupert Holmes, Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide

Fiction Choice: 

Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide by Rupert Holmes: Ever wanted to take classes on committing murder? Ever thought about arguing a case for murder to a college board of admissions? Well, if you have this book is perfect for you! This blend of dark humor and mystery seems like a great summer thriller to dive into this month.

Interested in buying? Check it out here!

Nonfiction Choice:

American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin: Oppenheimer is running the summer show; with the movie approaching, this book is flying off our shelves. Read about the life of the “father of the atomic bomb” before seeing it in theaters!

Interested in buying? Check it out here!