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Kramers Countdown to Indie Bookstore Day

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Counting down to Indie Bookstore Day on April 28th, we will be featuring a small press title every day! All books are available in store. 

14. The Cookbook Notebook by Magda Joicey (Unicorn, 2017) – “English food isn’t bad. You just haven’t cooked it right… and “V” is for Victory.”

13. The Real Life of the Parthenon by Patricia Vigderman (Mad Creek Books, 2018) – “Architectural history and travelogue that transforms the reader into a native of Greece.”

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12. Imaginary Lives by Marcel Schwob (Wakefield Press, 2018) – “A intriguing collection of short, fictional biographies that influenced Jorge Luis Borges and remain as relevant today as when they were published in 1896.”

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11. Palaces by Simon Jacobs (Two Dollar Radio, 2017) – “It’s Edgar Allen Poe with a punk rock cast.”

10. Damascus Nights by Rafik Schami (Interlink Books, 2016) – “A magical realistic tale of Syria via the Arabian Nights.”

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9. The Ghost of Fear and Others Volume 1, S.T. Joski, ed. (Dark Regions Press, 2016) – “A menacing collection of tales much beloved by H.P. Lovecraft”

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8. Triumph and Disaster: Five Historical Miniatures By Stephan Zweig (Pushkin Press, 2016) – “The bloody fields of Waterloo to frozen wastes of Antarctica brought to life by a master of the novel”

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7. Vengeance by Zachary Lazar (Catapult, 2018) – “A timely novel of America’s broken prison system and a mystery of a single man’s guilt or innocence.” 

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6. The Senator’s Children by Nicholas Montemarano (Tin House Books, 2017) – “Nothing can be more poignant in literature than the destruction of a family…except, maybe, a political campaign.”

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5. Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Doblin (NYRB, 2008) – “A dark, devil-may-care work that is both a celebration of literary form and the quintessential German novel.”

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4. Devil Take the Hindmost by Martin Cathcart Froden (Freight Books, 2016) – “A classic noir story of drugs and bicycles.”

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3. Wade in the Water by Tracey K. Smith (Graywold Press, 2018) – “The newest collection from the Poet Laureate of the United States.”

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2. Mesopotamia by Serhiy Zhadan (A Margellos, 2018) – “One of Ukraine’s most popular, contemporary writers with cynical realism weaves a tale of hope.”

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1. Twist by Harkaitz Cano (Archipelago, 2011) – “A vivid story of love, murder, and terror is Basque country.”

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