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Staff Pick: Fiend by Peter Stenson

a close up of a sign


This novel is not for the faint of heart, or for those who are easily offended. Just when Chase thought his life was over… it only just began.


There's more than one kind of monster. When Chase first sees the little girl in umbrella socks disemboweling the Rottweiler, he's not too concerned. As a longtime meth addict, he's no stranger to such horrifying, drug-fueled hallucinations.

But as he and his fellow junkies soon discover, the little girl is no illusion. The end of the world really has arrived. And with Chase's life already shattered by addiction, the apocalypse might actually be an "opportunity--" a last chance to hit restart, win back the love of his life, and become the person he once dreamed of being.

That is, if the darkness inside him doesn't destroy everything--again. Broadway, $14.00

Posted in: David M Science Fiction

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